J2Environmental’s consulting engineering services encompass two major areas:

The technologies employed in these services range from low-tech approaches involving artificial marshes for treating wastewater, to high-tech approaches involving in-situ oxidation of contaminants in soil and groundwater. This broad experience helps to ensure the selection of the right technical tools for the job.

Contaminated Site Assessment and Clean-up:

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Contaminated Soil Assessment and Remediation

J2 Environmental personnel have assessed subsurface soil contamination at dozens of sites throughout North America. Assessment techniques include traditional soil boring and sampling with laboratory analysis, as well as the use of ultraviolet light optical sensing and membrane interface probe technologies. Additionally, J2Environmental has remediated to-closure numerous sites in a dozen States, using such approaches as in-situ chemical oxidation (ISCO), biodegradation, and vapor extraction.

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Leaking Underground Storage Tank (UST) Assessment and Closure

Many of J2Environmental’s projects involve the assessment of USTs, to investigate possible leakage and consequential soil and groundwater contamination. J2Environmental’s unique project approach and expertise help to ensure applicable assessment and timely case closure.

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Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments

For select clients, J2Environmental provides acquisition due diligence environmental site assessments (ESAs), often combining limited Phase II sampling during Phase I to allow a more rapid and cost-effective assessment of recognized environmental conditions (RECs). This approach helps its clients meet difficult schedules due to escrow closure deadlines.

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Indoor Air Quality Assessment

Vapor intrusion into buildings has become an increasingly important component of site clean-up. J2Environmental’s experience with indoor air quality (IAQ) issues includes sampling, assessment, and improvement. Improvement technologies have included controlled ventilation, and hot-spot source remediation.

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Contaminated Groundwater Assessment and Remediation

J2Environmental’s expertise includes the assessment and modeling of groundwater contamination, including sites with confined aquifers. Its remediation experience includes ISCO of chlorinated solvents, sparging of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and the biodegradation of fuel hydrocarbons.

Water and Wastewater Treatment

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Water Treatment

To address the problem of arsenic contamination of aquifer drinking water (which affects an estimated 100 million people world-wide), J2Environmental developed a low-cost system using indigenous water weeds. This technology can be scaled on the small-end to treat a single family’s drinking water supply, up to the large-end application of treating irrigation water for rice crops. This technology has been hailed in the emerging nations and by the American Society of Civil Engineers.

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Wastewater Treatment

Although also experienced with traditional treatment technologies, J2Environmental is a pioneer is the use of aquatic macrophytes and engineered wetlands for treating domestic and industrial wastewaters. Project experience ranges from 1 million gallons per day (mgd) of domestic wastewater, to 400-acre marshes treating 7 mgd of industrial wastewater for subsequent reuse.

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Nitrate Removal from Treated Wastewater

One cost-effective wastewater treatment solution that J2Environmental offers is the use of common aquatic macrophytes (such as duckweed, cattails, and reeds) to polish secondary treated wastewater by reducing nitrates to acceptable discharge concentrations.


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